SOP for Operation and Cleaning of vertical autoclave for sterilization

Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of vertical autoclave for sterilization


To lay down a procedure for Operation and Cleaning of vertical autoclave for sterilization.

2.0 SCOPE:

This procedure is applicable for Operation and Cleaning of vertical autoclave for Sterilization in Microbiology department.


Microbiologist : To perform the procedure of sterilition as per SOP.

Head-QC : To review and implementation and ensure compliance of SOP.

Head-QA : To approve, implement and ensure compliance of SOP.


4.1 Operation:

4.1.1 For operation of autoclave first open the lid of autoclave.

4.1.2 Check for the water level whether it is near the optimum water level or 
not. If it is below the optimum water level, add purified water upto the optimum water level.

4.1.3 Autoclave heater cover must be dipped into the water.

4.1.4 Keep material insight the chamber with chemical indicator.

4.1.5 Close the lid of the autoclave and its steam release knob too.

4.1.6 Before starting the autoclave be assure once again about water level, lid and knob.

4.1.7 Switch ON the mains switch.

4.1.8 Set the temperature to 121°C and time interval to specified time as per validated cycle by using Up-Down and Left-Right key.

4.1.9 Check all the parameter and then hit the start button.

4.1.10 When temperature reaches to 95 or above, purging will be start up to the 100°C.

4.1.11 When the pressure reaches to the 15 psi and temperature to the 121°C, sterilization cycle will start for given time.

4.1.12 After completion of sterilization cycle alarm will start and Exhaust will start.

4.1.13 Open the lid when temperature reaches to 100°C and pressure reaches to “zero”.

4.1.14 Take out all the materials with the help of cotton hand gloves of Autoclave.

4.1.15 Take printout of that cycle and sign on that. Take chemical indicator and attach both of that into Sterilization record.

4.2 Cleaning:

4.2.1 For cleaning of the autoclave, drain used water through drain valve.

4.2.2 After chamber is empty, rinse the chamber with purified water.

4.2.3 Take out large particles to prevent blockage of the draining valve.

4.2.4 Drain it again.

4.2.5 Now fill the autoclave with new purified water up to the optimum level where heater cover dipped into the water. Now it is ready for new cycle.

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