SOP for Good Laboratory Practice

SOP for Good Laboratory Practice

1.0 Purpose:
To lay down the standard operating procedure for individual involvement in Good Laboratory Practice and Safety rules.
2.0 Scope:
This procedure is applicable to all personnel working in the microbiology laboratory.
good lab practices

3.0 Responsibility:
Microbiologist :  To follow the entry and exit procedure in microbiology laboratory as per defined procedure.
Head-QC : To review and Implementation and ensure compliance of SOP.
Head-QA : To approve , implement and ensure compliance of SOP.
4.0 Procedure:
4.1 Health:
The general health condition of personnel must be satisfactory. Staff with open wounds, any skin ailment or any respiratory tract infection or contagious disease must not be permitted to work in Microbiology laboratory.
4.2 Personal Hygiene:
4.2.1 All Microbiology lab staff should maintain personal hygiene.
4.2.2 Hair shall be kept clean and covered with a cap while work in the laboratory and laboratory coats or factory uniform shall always be clean.
4.2.3 All staff should strictly follow gowning and de gowning procedure.
4.2.4 Nails of persons working in the laboratory shall be regu­larly trimmed.
4.2.5 Jewellery and unnecessary cosmetics shall not be worn in microbiology testing areas.
4.2.6 Wash the hands or disinfect the hands before and after the analysis work and even before leave the lab.
4.3 Personnel Garments:
4.3.1 The garments should be clean and regularly washed. It should have no external pockets or unnecessary tucks.
4.3.2 Use sterilized garments for analysis. Discard garments after one time use. Sterilize it for second time use.
4.4 General care :
4.4.1 Personnel should not lean against the Laminar Air Flow or place his/her hands on the bench.
4.4.2 Use pass box for transferring of materials.
4.4.3 Clean and dried glassware shall be used for media preparation.
4.4.4 Testing should be carried out as per the approved latest version of standard test procedure.
4.4.5 Aseptic procedure should be followed during microbiological testing.
4.4.6 Record of differential pressure, Temperature and Relative Humidity of the area should be maintained.
4.4.7 Handle live culture carefully. Autoclave media and cultures before discard.
4.4.8 No food, drinks, chewing gum and smoking is allowed in the laboratory.
4.4.9 Do not put anything in mouth such as pencil, pen or fingers.
4.4.10 Familiarize with the location of safety equipment (e.g. eye wash station, shower, sinks, biological safety cabinet, first aid box, fire extinguisher etc.).