Potassium standard solution preparation
Potassium Standard Solution (0.2 % K):Dissolve dipotassium sulfate equivalent to 0.446 g of K2SO4 in distilled water and dilute to 100.0 mL with the same solvent.
Potassium Standard Solution (600 ppm K):
Immediately before use, dilute with water to 20 times its volume a solution containing dipotassium sulfate equivalent to 2.676 g of K2SO4 in 100.0 mL.
Potassium Standard Solution (100 ppm K):
Immediately before use, dilute with water to 20 times its volume a solution containing dipotassium sulfate equivalent to 0.446 g of K2SO4 in 100.0 mL.
Potassium Standard Solution (20 ppm K):
Immediately before use, dilute potassium standard solution (100 ppm K) to 5 times its volume with water.
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