Phosphate standard solution preparation

Phosphate standard solution preparation

Phosphate Standard Solution (200 ppm PO4):
Dissolve potassium dihydrogen  phosphate equivalent to 0.286 g of KH2PO4 in water and dilute to 1000.0 mL with  the same solvent. 

Phosphate standard solution preparation

Phosphate Standard Solution (100 ppm PO4):
Dilute 10.0 mL of a 0.143% w/v  solution of potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate to 100.0 mL with water immediately  before use. 

Phosphate Standard Solution (5 ppm PO4):
Immediately before use, dilute with  water to 100 times its volume a solution containing potassium dihydrogen  phosphate equivalent to 0.716 g of KH2PO4 in 1000.0 mL.