SOP for Pesonnel monitoring for microbial contamination of working staff by Gloved Finger Dab Method

SOP for Pesonnel monitoring for microbial contamination of working staff by Gloved Finger Dab Method

Standard Operating Procedure for Pesonnel monitoring for microbial contamination of working staff by Gloved Finger Dab Method 1.0 Purpose...

SOP for Cleaning and Disinfection of Microbiology area

SOP for Cleaning and Disinfection of Microbiology area

Standard Operating Procedure for Cleaning and Disinfection of Microbiology area 1.0 Purpose: To lay down a procedure for cleaning and d...

SOP for Operation and Cleaning of Passbox

SOP for Operation and Cleaning of Passbox

Standard Operating Procedure for Operation and Cleaning of Passbox. 1.0 Purpose: To lay down the procedure for operation of pass box. 2...

SOP for Operation, Cleaning and Calibration of Microscope

SOP for Operation, Cleaning and Calibration of Microscope

Standard Operating Procedure of Operation, Cleaning and Calibration of Microscope. 1.0 Purpose:  To lay down the procedure for operation ...